Men Only Deceive Women If The Women Let Them, Because “Cheap” And “Prostitute” Are Not Synonyms

“I met him at the bar, and I told him I’d only have sex with him if he promised to call me the next morning. But he didn’t call! Men are such pigs.”

Sound familiar? The ever-typical woman above is an absolute moron. Did anything once happen in her life that would make her think that a guy wouldn’t lie about calling the next day in order to sleep with her? Did she ever once have a friend who found love through a one-night stand?

Remember that Taylor Swift song that says, “The first time a guy tell you he loves you, you’re gonna believe him”? The implication is that after about age 15 a girl will realize that guys will lie for easy sex. But apparently women don’t understand that, despite all of her experiences telling her to.

No, what’s up is that the woman does realize men will lie. Women are expert bullshit detectors. When a nice guy compliments her, she knows it’s insincere. They can get a good feeling for when a guy is lying, or at least when he has clear motives beyond what he’s explicitly saying. She why does she disbelieve the nice guy but buy into the player?

Women believe the lies they wish were true. They know they’re lies, but they choose to buy into them and roll the dice anyway.

What Is A Whore?

And really, if she’s giving away her sex that easily, why should he respect her enough to call the next day? She’s already shown he’s conquered her. He has no reason to invest further. Did she really think he invited her to his apartment to play checkers?

Women today do not realize that all relationships are transactional. If she is unwilling to sell her sex, she will not get anything in return. Girls either put a small price on their sex or they think it’s beyond value, as though “guys should just appreciate me for my personality without expecting anything back.” Sorry, but our affection must be bought, and the currency is your body (often in addition to other things).

This was actually a talking point of second-wave feminism. All women are prostitutes. Some women are one-man prostitutes, and some women are multiple-man prostitutes. What feminists neglected is that the one-man prostitutes get a better quality client and hence a better quality of life. She offers her sexuality, and he provides food, furnishings, attention, and love. She sells the right to own her.

The definition of a whore or a slut is not a woman who sells sex but a woman who gives away sex easily with little personal connection. That’s what men find so repulsive in sluts. It’s also why we find distasteful women who show cleavage or even just girls who incessantly fish for attention on social media. Whores—whether they be regular sluts or mere attention whores—have no respect for their own product. Why do you think we refer to sluts as “cheap”?

Story Time

There was this girl I used to work with. Sweet-hearted church virgin. Went out with this player. Everyone warned her, but she knew what he was like from the get-go. Slept with him anyway. Later they broke up, and he told her all the other girls he cheated on her with. No one was surprised. And then the other girls at work started flirting with him. “He’ll be different for me.”

Update: I changed the title slightly to be consistent with the article. Oversight on my part. I left the url as is, and it shows up that way when linked to.

Read More: Music Reflects Society: Why We Have No Great Love Songs Anymore

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